UMAR, a division of Monarch, provides skills assessment, job development and training to help job seekers find meaningful, competitive employment. We partner with different businesses in North Carolina where our participants can utilize their strengths and skills. After securing their desired job, UMAR’s Vocational Services participants receive initial and ongoing job training supervision, and support. Participating companies receive complementary recruiting and pre-screening of applicants, training and mentoring services, an enthusiastic employee who is ready to work, and may also qualify for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. We believe this creates the optimal “win-win” situation between employer and employee.



Work adjustment training is a program to assist the individual in developing work skills, work habits, and job retention skills required to obtain and maintain employment. Work adjustment training includes activities to improve and increase productivity, attendance, punctuality, ability to work with others, ability to work under supervision, and work tolerance. This program does not provide on-going support services, such as those provided through Supported Employment Services.


Supported Employment Services provides a more hands on approach to employment success. A Supplemental Evaluation may be completed to assist with establishing job readiness and to help determine strengths, skills and eligibility. Once eligibility is decided, Job Development begins to assist with job search, applications, and interview skills. Upon securing competitive employment,  intensive training is provided at the job site. Training will eventually fade and Long Term Vocational Support continues for the life of the job.


  • Finding and adapting jobs to meet the needs, abilities and choices of the individual
  • Resume and job application assistance
  • Interview set-up and training
  • Job training, supervision and support



  • The right person to fit the job
  • An enthusiastic employee who is ready to work
  • Free training and mentoring services
  • Chance to qualify for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit


Is there a fee for service?

No, services are provided through a referral from Vocational Rehabilitation or by an individual’s managed care organization. As long as you qualify for Vocational Services/Supported Employment Services you can receive UMAR’s support free of charge.

How old do you have to be to qualify?
We provide services for individuals age 16 and up.
How is the type of job determined?
It is based on the individual’s choice and abilities. Typically a skills assessment is completed to determine strengths and preferences before job development begins.
What is the first step?
Contact your local Vocational Rehabilitation office to complete an intake to determine eligibility. Once you are deemed eligible you can select UMAR Services to assist with your Vocational Services needs.